Missing objects Sjaelland 2015

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Tilmeldt: tors jun 29, 2017 1:28 pm

Missing objects Sjaelland 2015

Indlæg af philips071 » fre aug 23, 2019 7:27 pm

Hi, I have installed the sjaelland 2015 route lately. However allthough I followed every step of the downloading process i have lots of missing objects on the route. I also have both Jylland 1960 and 2000 and they work just fine, no missing objects there. Can someone help me out?

Indlæg: 918
Tilmeldt: lør apr 15, 2017 4:05 pm
Geografisk sted: Nykøbing F

Re: Missing objects Sjaelland 2015

Indlæg af Erich » lør aug 24, 2019 6:31 am

You will have at lot of missing objects. This edition is a ALPHA edition without landscape the most Places, så their fore the missing objects.
Med venlig Hilsen
Erich ( Ghosttrain ) Falensteen
Team TrainSim

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Tilmeldt: søn jun 04, 2017 6:19 pm

Re: Missing objects Sjaelland 2015

Indlæg af Munckholmvej21 » fre maj 22, 2020 1:10 pm


Hej jeg mangler bygningen på Københavns Hovedbanegård.

Kan nogen fortælle hvad jeg skal pakke ud til Ts 2020 for at jeg kan se de bygninger jeg mangler ?
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