Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

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Tilmeldt: man aug 24, 2020 2:27 pm

Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af BlackyTrains » søn maj 09, 2021 1:59 pm

Hello all,
today i wanted to install the Jylland-Route again. Download works fine, but i get an error of zero byte files when trying to install the .rwp File via Utilities. Still the route showed up in the selection menu. I tried to load in at Neumünster, annnd.. see screenshot. I downloaded all files again with no Problem, but still zero byte files. This time, i wanted to unzip the rwp with 7zip, wich also says that there are broken files, so still this weird bug. Is there any fix for this Problem? I'll also attach a TS-Tools Log. US/EU Loco and Asset Pack are installed, but in an .ap file, that's why TS-Tools can't find them.
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Tilmeldt: lør apr 15, 2017 4:05 pm
Geografisk sted: Nykøbing F

Re: Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af Erich » man maj 10, 2021 9:50 am


I have no idea why you are getting this error. I have checked the packed for missing texturefiles, and all files used are there where they should be. I must ask if have have European og US Loco and Assetpacks installed? They must be there, ells the route won´t work.
Med venlig Hilsen
Erich ( Ghosttrain ) Falensteen
Team TrainSim

Indlæg: 8
Tilmeldt: man aug 24, 2020 2:27 pm

Re: Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af BlackyTrains » man maj 10, 2021 3:34 pm

Both packs are installed. I read in another thread, that a steam file-check will solve the problem, but yet it didn't work. I'll try more Checks now, i hope this will work. By the way, Sjaelland is working just fine.

Indlæg: 916
Tilmeldt: lør apr 15, 2017 4:05 pm
Geografisk sted: Nykøbing F

Re: Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af Erich » tirs maj 11, 2021 6:21 am


There is one more thing which could be the problem. I am working on my new projekt Nord Deutschland. I uses the same template as Jylland 1.3 but with that different that the Texturing.bin in the DTS\Misc\Environment\Terrain includes the Texturing.bin from the Hamburg - Lübeck route. If you don´t have this route it could be the problem, despite I haven´t used any of these groundtextures in Jyllland 1.3
I have used the standard groundtextures from the original Railworks and the groundtextures from NewS. All of these groundtextures are included in the route pack.
Med venlig Hilsen
Erich ( Ghosttrain ) Falensteen
Team TrainSim

Indlæg: 8
Tilmeldt: man aug 24, 2020 2:27 pm

Re: Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af BlackyTrains » tirs maj 11, 2021 1:48 pm

I tried it today again to unzip the .rwp File via 7zip, but these broken assets aren't any ground textures. I dont have Hamburg-Lübeck. but i don't think that this is the cause for this problem. If the Ground Textures would be missing, wouldn't TS-Tools say that it can't find them?
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Indlæg: 8
Tilmeldt: man aug 24, 2020 2:27 pm

Re: Jylland: Weird Texture/Objects Error

Indlæg af BlackyTrains » tors maj 13, 2021 7:19 pm

I fixed it now! Emptied the cache, tried in 32-bit and that fixed it... i guess. 64bit is good too, i hope it'll stay like this now. Thanks for your help!


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